Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lunchtime diversion: Cubs Rally!

I realize that I've only been here a year, and in that time I have watched more baseball games--- specifically Cubs games than ever in my previous 31 years of living. But you can't help but like the Cubs when you live here. Cubs fans are legendary...devoted...fanatic. You name it - but Cubs fever is officially in full-effect.
Case-in-point: today's rally downtown at noon.
In the "can't-believe-I-live-here" file for today, I went with a coworker to Daley Plaza during lunch to see Jim Belushi emcee the official kick off to the Cubs' postseason. Jim came onto the stage singing "Sweet Home Chicago" (complete with harmonica and all) and introduced not only Lou Pinella, but Billy Williams, Ron Santo and Ernie Banks---- three legendary Cubs, one of which should be inducted into the baseball hall of fame this year.
The crowd was half downtown white-collar types and half Cubs fans - but a sizeable crowd nonetheless. And while it was chilly and windy, it is a relief to see that they're still in this game!

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