Monday, September 8, 2008

Where were the dog days?

Football season is officially in full-force as of today (or last week if you're more into college ball). Time for shorter days, tree color, harbor closings and longer sleeves.
But not today. Today was one of those great lazy Sundays where laying on the couch can occupy at least a couple hours of afternoon sun.

And though it wasn't the hottest summer by far, I guess it will have to suffice for the year. Yeah, we might see a stray 80 or 85 degree day in the next few weeks, but it's very doubtful. And with a low in the forties on Tuesday, there's little hope.
I'll never forget the first moment I was standing on an L platform waiting for my train last fall when I saw this sign:

My exact thought was, "Who are they kidding? You need heat lamps from November to the end of March?" ooooohhhh how I was so ignorant of the ways of the north. very ignorant indeed.
My solace is that I'll have many "warm memories" of the summer stored in my brain and in my bones, for the dark days of winter to come.

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